Thursday, September 28, 2006

史上最大的大砲 Carl Zeiss 1700/4 256kg

Carl Zeiss最近消息不斷,近日又推出了史上最不可思議的大砲:Carl Zeiss 1700/4 for Hasselblad。淨重(鏡重)256kg。不曉得是不是論斤賣?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


[Sep 25,2006]星期一21:30,天氣陰。



Monday, September 25, 2006


[Sep 24,2006]星期日下午五點多,天氣晴。

好不容易盼到晴天,本想騎車兜風兜風,無奈有點小感冒。貿然騎車出門,恐怕再也無法控制鼻水的流量(對不起,我的鼻孔雖然有High Availability的設計,但是沒有安裝QoS)。

下午五點多,開車在省道上,看到一輛BMW大型休旅車。對此廠牌2006年車種,沒有特別研究,只是聽他的引擎聲浪,根據經驗(因為我騎的也是雙缸的車)此車應該是四缸的K系列。二話不說,拿起手機就拍。回家對照官方網站,應該是BMW K1200LT。

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Other Side Of Amadeus

[Sep 23, 2006]星期六晚上7點,國家音樂廳,天氣雨。









[Sep 23, 2006]星期六的下午,天氣雨。



Thursday, September 21, 2006

D Minor / D-Moll / Re menor / Ре минор / Rê thứ / D 小調 / ニ短調


這星期六(Sep 23, 2006),將去音樂廳欣賞一場全場由D小調串場的音樂會,拭目以待!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Michael棄明投暗 捎來喜訊

話說Michael擁有Nikon F4多年後,選擇他的第一部DSLR時,竟然是SONY的"阿魯花100";這簡直是棄明投暗嘛!除了Konica-Minolta系統的完整支援,SONY迷人的功能價格比,最大的誘因可能也是Carl Zeiss鏡頭吧?

上星期聽說他訂了一支Voigtländer的105/2.5 APO鏡頭,預計10月交貨;今天捎來喜訊:說他不小心,一時手癢,眼睛亂看,無法把持地買下一顆品相很好,價格很優的Minolta 100/2.8 macro!



Tuesday, September 19, 2006

'O Sole Mio

What a famous Neopolitan song and what a beautiful sunny day today!

It had been raining hard for over three weeks. Although it stopped raining since last Saturday, but it's cloudy and hazy. Finally, It shines today.

In other words, I hadn't ridden my bike these three weeks, even no polishing on this bike. Well, it seems the coming Sunday is sunny, I'll defintely ride my bike to chase wind.

Shoot by Sony Ericsson W900i, viewed from my company. Do you see the Taipei 101?

Monday, September 18, 2006


公元前32年,屋大維向安東尼宣戰。在希臘西岸的阿克提烏姆灣 ,屋大維大敗安東尼。安東尼逃回埃及,與屋大維再戰,仍被屋大維打敗,與埃及豔后克麗奧佩特拉相繼自殺。公元前28年,屋大維獲得奧古斯都封號,建立羅馬帝國,並統治帝國達43年。









ps. All these photos were shoot by Nikon D200 with AF-S Nikkor 17-55/2.8 G ED DX lens.

Friday, September 15, 2006





2006出廠的Carl Zeiss ZF 85/1.4蔡斯鏡頭(菜頭)和1977出廠的Nikon(泥坑) F2 photomic AS.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Here Comes The Carl Zeiss ZF 85/1.4

I got it, finally!

I am a Carl Zeiss(CZ) fan. For sake of this reason, I would like to bought the cameras on which the CZ lenses can be mounted.

My first camera with built-in CZ lens is Contax T2, which was equipped with a Carl Zeiss T* 38/2.8 lens. I got this one in 1991. Thanks to CZ optics quality, this lens is sharper than all Nikon lenses I owned that time, including AI 35/2, AIS 105/2.5 and AIS micro 55/2.8.

I enjoyed this gear. It's an exciting experience, wasn't it?

Four years later, I bought a Contax G1. It is an execellent electronic rangfinder with tatanium die-cast. Like most of all traditional rangfinders, the G1 has the ability of interchanging CZ-G lenses. Later, I got all six lenses except the zoom 'Vario-Sonnar'. They are Hologon 16/8, Biogon 21/2.8, 28/2.8, Planar 35/2, 45/2 and the only telephoto Sonnar 90/2. I love the free distortion of the Hologon (just 5 elements), I love the nature tone and extra low distortion of the Biogon, I love the bokeh, nature perspective tone of the Planar, and I love the sharpness of the Sonnar.

But, they are point'n'shoot and RF. I never forget to have an SLR. In the beginning of 21st century, I got a Contax N1.

It's an AF SLR by Kyocera. At that time, the most attractive and popular N-mount lens is Contax N Vario-Sonnar 24-85/3.5-4.5. It is a short but with the incredible 82mm diameter. From most test reports, it can compete best lenses from Nikon and Canon, and even more superior in color tone and resolution. I totally agreed that and was satified with this lens. Actually, "sharpness" is not always my first concern, I loved its beautiful tone than sharpness. CZ can offer my requirement.

Coming the digital time.

I hoped I can own a Contax DSLR from Kyocera. The Contax N Digital, digital edition of N1, was announced later. It was equipped with a full frame CCD, 600M pixel sensor. Nice specification, but I never acquire this one because of its high price. At that time, it costs over NTD$200,000 in Taiwan!

I turned to Nikon later. Definitely, I'm Nikon fan, too (I owned a Nikon F2 photomic AS and Nikon F80). In 2005, Nikon anononced her 1000M pixel D200 with ability of 5fps continuous shooting, friendly to AI, AI-S mount and lots of features. It's my dream camera. But its price is not friendly at all. Although it's inexpensive than Contax N digital, but people must pay NT$60,000 to get this gear in Taiwan. I wondered whether I should get this gear at that time.

In early 2006, Carl Zeiss announced her roadmap about building and supporting Nikon AI-S lenses. Here comes Zeiss ZF mount for Nikon. I think it's time to buy my D200 and the ZF lenses. I cannot miss nither Nikon D200 nor the attactive Carl Zeiss ZF.

Finally, I owned a D200 and CZ ZF 85/1.4. That's the story.

ps. All these photos were shoot by Nikon D200 with AF-S Nikkor 17-55/2.8 G ED DX lens.

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